Improved transfer of changes to devices (for example, fully reproduced status).Fixed network speed detection in Docker.Web interface initially loads 3 seconds faster.Added the ability to overlay text under the renderer icon (thanks SurfaceS!).List of changes in Universal Media Server 10.15.0: To see a comparison of popular media servers, click here. Because Universal Media Server is written in Java, it supports all major operating systems, including versions for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. It runs on MEncoder, FFmpeg, tsMuxeR, AviSynth, MediaInfo and others which together provide support for a wide range of media formats. The program streams or transcodes many different media formats with little or no setup. UMS was launched by SubJunk, the official developer of PMS, to provide more stability and file compatibility. To support the consistent generation of JT plus PDF files, NX has introduced Technical Data Package offering that automatically creates JT plus PDF through the use of templates.Universal Media Server is a DLNA compliant UPnP Media Server. This unique construct supports Technical Data Package requirements by providing ISO standard definitions for 3D and 2D date with no translation requirement if JT data already exists.

Users are then able to navigate the 3D data using links in the PDF to information such as PMI and product structure in the JT. JT2Go can load a PDF file directly, if a JT file is attached to the PDF it will load the JT file as well. See the JT Plus PDF links on this page for more information.JT2Go provide an innovative feature that allows users to work with 3D JT and PDF in the same session. To support the consistent generation of JT plus PDF files NX has introduced Technical Data Package offering that automatically creates JT plus PDF through the use of templates.

JT2Go provides an innovative feature that allows the user to work with 3D JT and PDF in the same session.